Processor tools¶
Clustering of AMBER candidates¶
(obs_config, output_dir, logger, input_queue, output_queue, ncluster, config_file='/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.6/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/darc/config.yaml')¶ Bases:
Clustering and thresholding of AMBER triggers
- Parameters
obs_config (dict) – Observation settings
output_dir (str) – Output directory for data products
logger (Logger) – Processor logger object
input_queue (Queue) – Input queue for triggers
output_queue (Queue) – Output queue for clusters
ncluster (mp.Value) – 0
config_file (str) – Path to config file
(triggers)¶ Execute trigger clustering
- Parameters
triggers (np.ndarray) – Input triggers, columns: DM, S/N, time, integration_step, sb
()¶ Load configuration
()¶ Main loop
()¶ Stop this thread
Filterbank reader¶
(fname, cb, ntab=12, config_file='/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.6/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/darc/config.yaml')¶ Bases:
Filterbank reader for ARTS data, one file per TAB
- Parameters
fname (str) – path to filterbank files, with {cb:02d} and {tab:02d} for CB and TAB indices
cb (int) – CB index
ntab (int) – Number of TABs (Default: NTAB from constants)
config_file (str) – Path to config file, passed to SBGenerator
(tab=0)¶ Read filterbank parameters to self.header
- Parameters
tab (int) – TAB index (Default: 0)
(sb)¶ Construct an SB. TAB data must be read before calling this method
- Parameters
sb (int) – SB index
- Returns
Spectra object with SB data
(sb, startbin, chunksize)¶ Convenience tool to read only a single SB and its associated TABs. Note: Any internal TAB data is cleared after calling this method
- Parameters
sb (int) – SB index
startbin (int) – Index of first time sample to read
chunksize (int) – Number of time samples to read
- Returns
Spectra object with SB data
(tab, startbin, chunksize)¶ Read a chunk of filterbank data
- Parameters
tab (int) – TAB index
startbin (int) – Index of first time sample to read
chunksize (int) – Number of time samples to read
- Returns
chunk of data with shape (nfreq, chunksize)
(startbin, chunksize, tabs=None)¶ Read TAB data
- Parameters
startbin (int) – Index of first time sample to read
chunksize (int) – Number of time samples to read
tabs (list) – which TABs to read (Default: all)
¶ Bases:
(freqs, dt, data, starttime=0, dm=0)¶ Bases:
A class to store spectra. This is mainly to provide reusable functionality.
Spectra constructor
- Parameters
freqs (list) – Observing frequencies for each channel.
dt (float) – Sampling time (seconds)
data (array) – A 2D numpy array containing pulsar data. Axis 0 should contain channels. (e.g. data[0,:]) Axis 1 should contain spectra. (e.g. data[:,0])
starttime (float) – Start time (in seconds) of the spectra with respect to the start of the observation. (Default: 0).
dm (float) – Dispersion measure (in pc/cm^3). (Default: 0)
- Returns
Spectra object
(dm=0, padval=0)¶ Shift channels according to the delays predicted by the given DM. * Dedispersion happens in place *
- Parameters
dm (float) – The DM (in pc/cm^3) to use.
padval (float/str) – The padding value to use when shifting channels during dedispersion. See documentation of Spectra.shift_channels. (Default: 0)
(factor=1, trim=True)¶ Downsample the spectra by co-adding ‘factor’ adjacent bins. * Downsampling is done in place *
- Parameters
factor (int) – Reduce the number of spectra by this factor. Must be a factor of the number of spectra if ‘trim’ is False.
trim (bool) – Trim off excess bins.
(mask, maskval='median-mid80')¶ Replace masked data with ‘maskval’. Returns a masked copy of the Spectra object.
- Parameters
mask (array) – An array of boolean values of the same size and shape as True represents an entry to be masked.
maskval (str) –
Value to use when masking. This can be a numeric value, ‘median’, ‘mean’, or ‘median-mid80’.
The values ‘median’ and ‘mean’ refer to the median and mean of the channel, respectively. The value ‘median-mid80’ refers to the median of the channel after the top and bottom 10% of the sorted channel is removed. (Default: ‘median-mid80’)
- Returns
maskedspec: A masked version of the Spectra object.
(indep=False)¶ Return a scaled version of the Spectra object. When scaling subtract the median from each channel, and divide by global std deviation (if indep==False), or divide by std deviation of each row (if indep==True).
- Parameters
indep (bool) – If True, scale each row independently (Default: False).
- Returns
scaled_spectra: A scaled version of the Spectra object.
(indep=False)¶ Return a scaled version of the Spectra object. When scaling subtract the min from each channel, and divide by global max (if indep==False), or divide by max of each row (if indep==True).
- Parameters
indep (bool) – If True, scale each row independently (Default: False).
- Returns
scaled_spectra: A scaled version of the Spectra object.
(bins, padval=0)¶ Shift each channel to the left by the corresponding value in bins, an array. * Shifting happens in-place *
- Parameters
bins (array) – An array containing the number of bins to shift each channel by.
padval (float/str) –
Value to use when shifting near the edge of a channel. This can be a numeric value, ‘median’, ‘mean’, or ‘rotate’.
The values ‘median’ and ‘mean’ refer to the median and mean of the channel. The value ‘rotate’ takes values from one end of the channel and shifts them to the other.
(width=1, padval=0)¶ Smooth each channel by convolving with a top hat of given width. The height of the top had is chosen shuch that RMS=1 after smoothing. Overlap values are determined by ‘padval’. This bit of code is taken from Scott Ransom’s PRESTO’s (line ~ 423). * Smoothing is done in place. *
- Parameters
width (int) – Number of bins to smooth by (Default: no smoothing)
padval (float/str) – Padding value to use. Possible values are float-value, ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘wrap’. (Default: 0).
(nsub, subdm=None, padval=0)¶ Reduce the number of channels to ‘nsub’ by subbanding. The channels within a subband are combined using the DM ‘subdm’. ‘padval’ is passed to the call to ‘Spectra.shift_channels’. * Subbanding happens in-place *
- Parameters
nsub (int) – Number of subbands. Must be a factor of the number of channels.
subdm (float) – The DM with which to combine channels within each subband (Default: don’t shift channels within each subband)
padval (float/str) – The padding value to use when shifting channels during dedispersion. See documentation of Spectra.shift_channels. (Default: 0)
(bins=0)¶ Trim the end of the data by ‘bins’ spectra. * Trimming is done in place *
- Parameters
bins (int) – Number of spectra to trim off the end of the observation. If bins is negative trim spectra off the beginning of the observation.
(DM, freq_emitted)¶ Return the delay in seconds caused by dispersion, given a Dispersion Measure in cm-3 pc, and the emitted frequency of the pulsar in MHz.
- Parameters
DM (float) – dispersion measure
freq_emitted (float) – frequency
(arr, bins)¶ Return an array rotated by ‘bins’ places to the left
- Parameters
arr (list) – Input data
bins (int) – Number of bins to rotate by
Data extraction¶
(obs_config, output_dir, logger, input_queue, output_queue, ncand_above_threshold, config_file='/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.6/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/darc/config.yaml')¶ Bases:
Extract data from filterbank files
- Parameters
obs_config (dict) – Observation settings
output_dir (str) – Output directory for data products
logger (Logger) – Processor logger object
input_queue (Queue) – Input queue for clusters
output_queue (Queue) – Output queue for classifier
ncand_above_threshold (mp.Value) – 0
config_file (str) – Path to config file
(dm, snr, toa, downsamp, sb)¶ Execute data extraction
- Parameters
dm (float) – Dispersion Measure (pc/cc)
snr (float) – AMBER S/N
toa (float) – Arrival time at top of band (s)
downsamp (int) – Downsampling factor
sb (int) – Synthesized beam index
()¶ Load configuration
()¶ Clean data of RFI
(fname, sb, tsamp, dms, params_amber, params_opt)¶ Save candidate to HDF5 file
- Parameters
fname (str) – Output file
sb (int) – Synthesized beam index
tsamp (float) – Sampling time (s)
dms (Quantity) – array of DMs used in DM-time array
params_amber (tuple) – AMBER parameters: dm, snr, toa
params_opt (tuple) – Optimized parameters: snr, toa
()¶ Initialize the ARTS filterbank reader
()¶ Main loop
()¶ Stop this thread
Neural network classification of candidates¶
(logger, input_queue, conn, config_file='/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.6/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/darc/config.yaml')¶ Bases:
Classify candidates from HDF5 files produced by Extractor
- Parameters
logger (Logger) – Processor logger object
input_queue (Queue) – Input queue for triggers
conn (Connection) – Pipe connection to send output to
config_file (str) – Path to config file
(fname)¶ Classify a candidate
- Parameters
fname (str) – Path to HDF5 file containing candidate data and metadata
()¶ Load the keras models
()¶ Load configuration
()¶ Load tensorflow into local namespace
()¶ Verify data shape and downsampled as needed
- Returns
success (bool)
()¶ Main loop
()¶ Stop this thread
Candidate visualization¶
¶ Bases:
(output_dir, result_dir, logger, obs_config, files, config_file='/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.6/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/darc/config.yaml')¶ Bases:
Visualize candidates
- Parameters
output_dir (str) – Output directory for data products
result_dir (str) – central directory to copy output PDF to
logger (Logger) – Processor logger object
obs_config (dict) – Observations settings
files (list) – HDF5 files to visualize
config_file (str) – Path to config file
()¶ Get the order of files to plot them in descending freq-time probability order, then by S/N if probabilities are equal
- Returns
file order (np.ndarray)
()¶ Load configuration
- Returns
config (Namespace)
(fname, data_type)¶ Load HDF5 data
- Parameters
fname (str) – Path to HDF5 file
data_type – which data type to get, options: freq_time, dm_time, 1d_time
- Returns
data (np.ndarray), params (dict with tsamp, dm, snr, toa, downsamp, sb, dms)
()¶ Run the visualization of candidates